PHP Secret Site

Case Study

For this project, I was tasked with creating a website for a secret organization. The site and its content is complete fiction. Since the project called for a login to be able to enter the site, I used HTML to create the webpage, PHP to create the login with a cookie, and CSS to design the entirety of the site.

I created wireframes for my site and planed out the web flow before coding. There are two possible outcomes based on the login information you provide. The first is a welcome page with an address, the second page invites you to retry your login again.

I choose an image that I felt emphasized this feeling of eeriness. I ensured that the product I was delivering exceeded expectations in terms of web design. I succeeded in delivering that message through my use of lighting, imagery, and layout design. I felt that emphasizing the door by laying out the form opposite it, created an effect that almost points you into its direction.